I got a tick bite a few days ago. I did not notice it at the time (I had been walking in a probable tick area and I do plenty of tick checks but I think I wasn't thorough a couple of times).
Yestserday I found a tick bite on my leg, with a small rash around it. I went right into a doctor and she said it looked like lyme and prescribed antibiotics (she also offered an herbal treatment alternative but I chose the antibiotics- actually I am taking the antibiotics plus two herbs to assist it). Anyway, she put me on doxycycline. I took one dose last night and one this morning on an empty stomach ( I have since learned I should take it on a full stomach). Shortly after this morning's dose I threw up like ten times and felt just awful!!
I called the doctor and actually went in and saw another doctor and they both said I can switch to amoxicilan if I want to, and that it has less side effects. (They also say if I choose to stay w- the doxy it will be less harsh if I take it w- food and also I will take probiotics).
I asked many times to the doctors if amoxicillin is AS effective to treat the lyme as the doxycycline. They said it is. SO I asked, if amoxy has less side effects why do you prescribe the doxy?
So now I am having to decide if I will continue with the doxy or switch to amoxi. I would rather take the amoxi for sure and not feel as sick for the next thirty days- but then again, not if it is less effective.
What do you all know about these two antibiotics and which one I should take? Is it just as effective to wipe out the lyme- I have no other symptoms other than the rash which is actually already gone and now just the small bite is there- if I take amoxi or is the doxy really better? It seems like doxycycline is the first line of treatment and amoxi is the second I want to make sure I do a strong treatment so I don't regret it- thanks for any ideas.