Had a check up with my doc yesterday. After starting to feel a bit better for about
the first 2 1/2 weeks of treatment, my symptoms were almost back to were they were when we started. She did the muscle testing and it seems those horrible little buggers adapted to what I was taking.
She explained it all to me, but can't say it made a lot of sense. She switched all the homeopathic antibiotics (that's the best way I know to explain them) gave me a stronger enzyme, plus a few other things. Oh...and I'm on are DesBIO homeopathics where the directions say to take 1 -10 drops 3x per day, as directed by your physician. I know a couple of us where discussing homeopathic amounts.)
Anyway, I'm glad she's staying on top of things. And changing as needed as we go. She was a bit surprised to have to change so quickly, but such is life. :)
Question on energy vitamins. Doc gave me some vitamins that are suppose to help with my energy levels. It's called K*PAX ENERGY. I trust my doc, but as I got thinking about
it, I'm a bit nervous to take these. Will these give me a false sense of energy and cause me to overdo things? I struggle with pushing myself too far as it is. I don't want to have this "energy" masking what I really need to be doing for my body.
Am I over thinking this? Thoughts????