LOL Healing98 - MUCH cheaper than a psychologist and much more efficient too!!
I'm glad you found the forum - this forum has been a life saver... honestly... for so many people... Imagine all those people that don't take this matter into their own hands... so sad...
Sometimes I'm mad with myself that I haven't been more aggressive with my drs, but if they don't have the knowledge...
I developped such an aversion towards the health system, that when I get home after an appointment, I take off all my clothes, I don't sit on the sofa, don't touch anything, take 2 showers, and wash all of my clothes, even the hairpins get a soak... I'm literally traumatized... I have a special coat only for dr's visits... that hangs aside from all the other coats... Never told this to a dr, it would only be more evidence of my mental instability - lol.
That's a reaction I get lately: you know you're getting older, so many of these symptoms like memory trouble and getting tired are really normal. I'm 34!!!!! it's been going on for almost 2 decades.