Thanks Opugirl. My other symptoms are varied - thankfully not as severe as many who post here. I have "stuff" that comes and goes - but is never really gone for any length of time. The longest time I have that I feel "ok to fairly good" is about
10 days. The rest of the time I feel no so good to poor. But, thankfully, I am still able to work - which is so important to me and for me. I love my job and it also provides me and my DH our health insurance.
My other symptoms include headaches, ear discomfort, feeling like my glands (and ear tubes) are swollen, but they're not -just sore. I also have pain in my back and in the muscles in my arms and sometimes legs. I have noise sensitivity. And pretty consistent fatigue.
I had my first appointment last week with my new LLND. I was very pleased. She listened well, seemed very knowledgeable and is within 6 hours of me - so it's doable, distance wise. She has ordered some testing and I will see her again in December. I am hopeful she will be able to help me in the healing (and coping) process.
She was very supportive of "my approach" which includes no gluten, meat ( I do eat an egg a day), dairy and sugar (I do use organic stevia). I try and eat at least 90% organic and no processed foods. I also juice wheatgrass everyday and she was pleased with that being a good detoxer.
So, I am anxious to see what her recommendations will be and I'm hopeful I will be able to afford what she recommends. I remain stunned and saddened at the impact this has on all of us in SO many ways.
This forum and the folks here are part of my health and I am deeply appreciative. Kathleen