As Opugirl said - we have to worry about
liability issues. The good news is that I have never referred anyone to that doc!!! LOL! Boy am I relieved with the two reviews on this thread!!
I would say that anytime you are tempted to try abx again, go back and read this thread and see what you endured. That should stop that urge! Treating these infections with herbs isn't talked about
much in the main stream groups, because there are no - or very few - studies that have been done with herbs on much of anything. There's no money in it, so no one will fund the studies. It's only the few that wish to use herbs - like Buhner, Zhang, and others - that have a personal interest that will do these studies.
No matter what you choose to use for treatment though, there are things you can start doing right away that should help ease your symptoms a bit.
Eating as healthy and as organic as you can - this will not only fuel your body properly, but reduce the amount of toxins that you are getting each day. Toxins are what drive the symptoms of these infections.
Start doing all you can to detox. This is a major part of healing - being sure that your body isn't overwhelmed with toxins. This will slow or even stop the healing. If you aren't just allergic to the abx, this is the next likely reason why you responded to the abx as you did - too many toxins were being created and they overwhelmed your body. Many of us actually feel toxic at times.
We can do some hand holding here!!
This forum is usually a great place to get the support to get through this! You may also really connect with someone on here and start emailing with them as well. I know I've made some really wonderful friends through this forum!!