Unfortunately, there are still many doc's that don't understand how important it is to detox, even some Holistic docs don't understand this yet! But with a bit of research, anyone can see that it really is important. And as for those fighting these infections? Just take a look at those posts from people who haven't been detoxing and then the posts after they start detoxing to see how much is usually helps.
And if the doc is disputing the amount of toxins in our environment and whether or not it poses a threat to our health, there's always this:
www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GAOREPORTS-RCED-94-93/html/GAOREPORTS-RCED-94-93.htm"Despite American industry's extensive use of pollution control
technology, millions of tons of toxic chemical waste continue to be released into the environment each year,
posing risks to the environment and to the health of workers, consumers, and the public. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 1992 the manufacture or use of about
320 chemicals that are monitored by the agency generated
over 37 billion pounds of toxic waste, and about 3.2 billion pounds were released into the environment. (*I added the bold to the letters)