I would suggest that you take a look at this site, as it's helped me understand a bunch about
the adrenals and the thyroid:
www.stopthethyroidmadness.com Be sure to get the 24 hour saliva test for your adrenals, as it's the only test designed to determine just how much cortisol the adrenals are putting out during what part of the day. This is the only way to know if they are functioning properly, or just dumping a bunch of cortisol all at once.
When I first went to see my Practitioner that eventually helped me to heal, she almost didn't take me on as a patient due to my adrenals were in the process of crashing. It's taken a lot of work, but they are healing. I've taken a couple of different types of adrenal supplements to help me heal, but the one that has helped the most had raw adrenal in it to help replace what my adrenals couldn't make while they were healing.
I have bought all of my adrenal (& thyroid) meds at my local health food store.
I'm also happy to report that about
2 months ago, I was able to drop on dose of my adrenal meds!!
So I only take 2 pills a day of that now! Proof positive that they are healing!
Woo hoo!!!