i really appreciate all of your advice and concern. i just started taking mepron a week ago so yes it is very possible that it is a herX (the reason i was skeptical of a herx is because the some of the symptoms I had before taking the antibiotics seems to disappear and others such as the swallowing emerged suddenly) The trembling scared me a little bit because from I have read and been told neurological reasons are usually the culprit.
The swallowing is kinda hard for me to explain... i don't really have a sore throat and my glands don't really seem swollen but then again i am no doctor lol the problem is around the top of my throat by my tonsils i guess. I hate to sound like I'm complaining but I was slowly starting to feel better after a few months on antibiotic and its frustrating to almost fully digress and feel like i did before treatment.
Thanks again for all of your replies, my life is a little less stressful thanks to all of you