I started on the protocol from my llnd on 2/4. I was doing well, with no herxing until I decided to throw in the mix Banderol and Samento, which I was taking prior the LLND appt, mainly for the hot flashes/night sweats. These two had caused them to end when I was taking them before. I had called and asked the LLND, and he said to go ahead with them. He does have me on
Artemisinin 2 at 2x daily. He said this will take care of the sweats. It hadn't at the point in time I started with the B and S. They actually got worse, and I guess severe enough I felt I needed to 'do' something. Wow, I sure did something, and boy, does it hurt lots worse than sweats.
I think adding the Samento was an error on my part, as the one concoction from the LLND already had cat's claw and I believe I was kind of 'double dipping'. I believe this caused a major herx, and this is severe, dibilitating pain in my entire spine, from base to skull. At first I thought it was on the outside of my lungs, but realized it's the spine.The pain was severe enough to cause me to stay in bed, unable to walk unless I went very slow and shuffled along, and every step felt like my torso was beging jolted. It was so painful I was in tears for days.
The LLND had me stop the drops, and restart the next day with only 1/6 of what he had initially prescribed. I am feeling relief after the second day, and each day is less and less pain. I've also realized I needed to stop the Samento, as it's basically Cat's Claw and I'm already taking that.
I've had the pain in my spine at the neck area and in the back of my head but never this all spine pain. Along with the pain is cracking, crinckling throughout the spine when I move. It had been so bad I'm going to start the coffee enemas today. I know I'll gain relief from that.
Has anyone ever experienced this pain in the spine?