Well, kyo07....
Every single cell in our body requires thyroid hormone for proper function and that includes our immune system.
Your hypothyroidism is most likely occurring as a result of your infection(s). I say this because your body isn't yet producing thyroid antibodies (based upon the Thyro Ab and TPO results you shared).
And, that's probably the basis of your doc's comment about
Euthyroid Sick Syndrome (and he must be calculating your Rev T3/Free T3 ratio....which doesn't tell as much as some doctors think)
I asked for thyroid hormone replacement back in 2010 and my Free T4 and FreeT3 levels were higher than yours.
Getting the Lyme under control could very well help restore your thyroid function. However, your body is surely struggling to heal as a result of the hypothyroidism. Delayed healing is hallmark for hypothyroidism.
If you had a chance to review that hypothyroidism symptoms list I shared, I think you'll recognize that hypothyroidism can have a negative effect on virtually every body system.
It's all about
whether or not you want your body functioning at its best.
Just so you know, liothyronine will only help with your Free T3 level. Your Free T4 level really needs help, too.
If you opt for thyroid hormone replacement, I think you might want to ask for levothyroxine as well as the liothyronine......or something like Armour or NatureThroid with the possible addition of levothyroxine.
For whatever reason, some doctors think we only need T3 (liothyronine), the active hormone. Our bodies need T4 (storage hormone) as well.
Here's some info on that: