It's been seven months since my dx, and I believe I've had LD/co since 2001. I have never been treated via any Dr with any script
s. I have been seeing and getting treatment from a LLND for just over three months, thus three office visits. I had my last appt this past Tuesday. I am being treated by this Dr's own created tinctures, as well as many other herbals and supplements. These items have all been changed in items and quantities from month to month.
I have gradually been feeling less severity of most symptoms, and some have ended completely. The ones that have ended are the hot flashes and night sweats, and my sleeping issues. My severe brain fog, depersonalization, air hunger and many others symptoms have noticeably decreased in severity and occurance. I still have the ears ringing, neck pain, lower back/hip pain, and others.
Whatever is going on is resulting in more energy both physically and mentally. I am finding I am more positive and even joyful throughout the day. I feel more connected to the ALL of me, which is really new and so, so refreshing! I've been able to go out more often into public and stay present and although the activity/noise/movements are still a bit overwhelming/overpowering, I'm finding I'm able to handle it with less of the inner feelings of 'pushing back', if that makes any sense. I guess I'm more relaxed? I am.
I have also added 'hands on' therapy to get my adrenals moving/working better:
Deep Breathing
Gentle Stretching
I have also been seeing a very gifted massage therapist and I'm getting:
Cranial Sacral therapy - 3 Visits so far @ 1 Hr per week
Reflexology - 1 Visit so far @ 45 Min.
I can feel my lymph nodes around my neck/head/jaw starting to feel more open and I feel more able to breathe.
My personal relationships have felt easier, more enjoyable, and I've had oportunities to engage with others in social settings more often and for longer periods of time. I still get a bit anxious, angry, overwhelmed at times, but not as sharp and fast. I'm finding I'm able to react less and reflect more.
I wanted to give a report of my progress, and hopefully let others know that it is possible to feel better as one heals. I can now attest to that TRUTH. And, ALL of my progress is due to a NATURAL PROTOCOL. I'm taking it one day at a time. And, learning to take care of myself along the way.
Take heart and love yourself today.