Hi Lymesingerin,
Welcome to the forum!!!
You seem to have found a good doctor, listening to you and your symptoms!
Your inflammation titers must be very high, I know what you are going through. I have had about
15 years of arthritis like symptoms, and they went all crazy when I started treatment. It hurts so bad...
Have you been tested for the mthfr gene mutations that can prevent people from detoxing? Do you do a lot of detoxing?
I was on abx for 15 months, and had to take several breaks because of inflammation. I turned to a modified Cowden Protocol these last 4,5 months, and inflammation is still as high. All because of die-off...
I just looked up curaphen, it is curcumin and boswellia. Both very efficient herbs to fight inflammation, a lot of our members use it. You could add ginger too (eg tea, or capsules - it suppresses prostaglandin synthesis).
I used Zyflamend and lots of Omega3. The latter seems to make a difference for me.
No matter how well you try to explain, most of the people don't get the full extend of what this infection/treatment is doing to us. Support from co-lymies is very important, this forum has been a life saver for me
I can just advice you to listen to your body, do a lot of detoxing (I guess you know your detoxing methods? if not there is a lot of information on top of the Lyme page 'New to Lyme? ... Start here!'), and go day by day, don't try to push your body too much either. I'm glad for you that you have a good dr at your side.
Don't hesitate to come on the forum if you have any questions, or if you need support or venting. You'll always find a kind soul here to answer your questions