So I got my blood work from Igenix which came back Positive for IGM. Can someone help me figure this out please
18 kda ++
**23-25 kda IND
28 kda -
30 kda -
**31 kda +
**34 kda -
**39 kda +
**41 kda +++
45 kda -
58 kda ++
66 kda +
**83-93 kda +
On top of this he tested me for Epstein Barr Virus (Mono apparently) and the normal range for this is between
0.0-17.9 I have an EBV Ab VCA IgG of 248 and a EBV nuclear antigen of 498.
The ID Dr will only treat for Mono right now because he doesn't want to give me 2 medicines at once and says the Epstein Barr is so significant that he has to take care of that before anything else.
So I sat in the office in shock, couldn't speak and we never touched on the Igenix results. He just said their positive and it 2 weeks we will address it. So now my whole family has to get tested and I feel horrible :(
I can't think or read anymore
Post Edited (simplyfrustrated) : 5/3/2014 6:22:31 AM (GMT-6)