right now I am feeling like the antibiotics are causing my tinnitus and not the lyme.
Because I got the lyme in late September 2014
and I just have had the tinnitus about a month
and it started at the end of ten days of doxy
and has gotten worse significantly since being 14 days so far on minocycline.
I am really scared that this is causing permanent damage to my ears. The tinnitus is so loud.
It is tempting to stop the antibiotics after some time and try the cowden protocol or something.
My doc seems to think the tinnitus is a common symptom of lyme.
I didn't have very many lyme symptoms. just anxiety- which I had before somewhat anyway, and ear issues.
If it weren't for the + igenex test I would seriously doubt I even had lyme and think I am just having reactions to the massive amounts of antibiotics.
Please help with advice on this matter.