I wanted to share my protocol with you all. I know there are many different approaches to this. And many different levels that people are dealing with it. And differing times that people started treatment require different treatments. But I think my protocol seems solid. I caught my lyme right away and did 10 days of doxy, then 2 weeks of nothing, then 2 weeks of cowden then 2 weeks of amoxi. then I did nothing for 6 or 7 months and then started treatment. That is my back story. So this may not be the perfect protocol for everyone but I do have faith in my doctor and I have met some pretty unknowledgable doctors, even some supposed llmds (who were all natropath doctors calling themselves lyme literate- not to say a natropathic doctor cant know about
lyme, but I like a md doctor who has extensively studies medicine and then is also lyme literate if possible) (personal preference)
Vitamin B
Vitamin D
Liposomal glutathione for detox