I am confused!!!
When I first got a tick bite I saw a ND who said to take serapeptase, grapefruit seed , and either doxy or samento/banderol.
Now I am with a MD llmd who I think knows a lot. And yet I really don't see any cyst buster or biofilm in my protocol! so confusing.
I had asked him at one point and he has said theplaquenil did the cyst busting and that I could add bolouke if I want to.
I feel like I call their office every day or so with questions.
But essentially I wondering if I should add serapeptase andgrapefruit seed to my protocol, and if I would have to check with the doctor first or not?
I know grapefruit seed is mild but is serapeptase harmless? Isn't it made of worms?
And also, I am 50 or more days into treatment, and I travel just to see this doctor because he has a good reputation etcetra- so why did he not prescribe a biofilm and cyst treater in my protocol?
So is it okay just to add the serapeptase and grapefruit seed? And remind me, empty stomach? 1/2 hour before antibiotics?
any other thougths. Again, confused and discouraged- why did the doctor not include this in my protocol, yet he includes these things like Nac, norival and mtfh something or other? It seems like he knows what he is doing but isn't biofilm and cyst treating the basic part of lyme treatment?