I'm wondering about
something today.... I understand that lyme leaves the bloodstream to hide in tissues, cartilage, muscles, eyes, etc., and that it can increase fibrinogen levels in the blood (similar to biofilm).
Thus, I was wondering.... do co-infections also hide in those same areas, or do coinfections tend to stay more in the bloodstream....? Just curious.
On my last chemistry panel, everything looked good except for fibrinogen levels which were 399, on a scale of 100-500. LL-ARNP noted that they should be below 300. Other research that I've done says that anything above 250 results in a huge increase for heart attack and stroke.
It was last October that I began having tachycardia issues (shortly after the chemistry panel was done). I've been taking a full strength (325mg) aspirin several days of the week since then. Initially, the aspirin helped ease the tachycardia but, recently has been less effective (I can often feel my heart beating harder and feel it in my head, palms of my hands, soles of my feet). Last week, I said to myself, I can't keep taking aspirin without causing other potential problems. So, I began researching fibrinogen online.
I found that enzymes (both in food and in supplements) have been studied and shown to dramatically reduce fibrinogen levels (as well as cholesterol, which I don't have a problem with). Some people use enzyme supplements in place of cumaden and heprin when they need to be on a blood thinner. A little more research and I chose to try a product called "Neprinol AFD" which contains serrapeptase, nattokinase, lipase, protease, amla, papain, bromelain, rutin, and COQ10. Not a cheap supplement by any means but, it does seem to be helping the tachycardia and I've noticed that I sleep much better since adding it to my routine. I actually wake up feeling more rested, significantly less pain, and less brain fog. Plus, I've been doing at least one fruit smoothie a day to get added enzymes from a food source.
I'm hoping extra enzymes (to thin the blood, lower fibrinogen) combined with a couple of drops of teasel root tincture (to bring the buggers out of hiding), will better allow the colloidal silver + thieves oil + homeopathic lyme and coinfections remedies (killing agents) to work more effectively.
Any and all thoughts are greatly appreciated as always.
Post Edited (sknight) : 6/21/2014 4:18:12 PM (GMT-6)