Good morning everyone.
This is my second post. I contracted Lyme the first week of May this year. Doc treated me with Doxy 100mg 2x per day for 21 days- this did not cure me. We started the Doxy the day after I found a bullseye on my back. Now we are on Doxy again 30 days 100mg 2x per day. If this does not work she wants to try another 30 days- then Intravenous if that fails. I will not go another 30 days after this trial. I am also using Rainforest Cats Claw 4 caps per day (around 1600mg) Resveratrol per Buhner, Magnesium, and Krill Oil and Turmeric. I have daily dizzy spells and bad vertigo upon rising. I feel like I am in the constant twilight zone and have trouble focusing and remembering details at times. I read that Chaga helps but have no experience with it. Any ideas or experienced users out there? I am going to the Southwest in August and am filled with fear I will ruin the vacation I have planned with my daughter. She lives with me and is in college and I am a single dad and don't want to ruin everything. I want to feel good and am trying but after 30 days feel pretty lousy most of the time and have great fatigue. I cant afford the Integrated OD who lives near me- he accepts no insurance and charges a lot. I have a naturopath down the street but she also takes no insurance nd it's $150 for constitutional visit and $130 for all others. Needless to say as a single dad with a mortgage and kid in college I do not have boatloads of cash- but don't want to be living like a shadow person the rest of my life. I am scared and do not have a problem saying that. I have not dated in over 14 years and wanted to until this happened and obviously cannot now. Thanks for any advice