Louise74 said...
Thanks, this is such a mystery. Very sick since Dec, previously healthy. It's possible that I had a tick bite, but never pulled one off me. Tons of ticks in my yard and stuff. All this came out after caring for a very sick cat. My cat got out a few years back and literally came home covered in hundreds if ticks. She most likely had lyme.and other assorted pathogens that were never addressed by the vet, and we never thought to treat.
Bart is very possible since all this after the cat. ...
I just want my health back!!
Louise, I know exactly how you feel - - and to try to put into words just
how much I want to get my health back, well, it is impossible ....
Needless to say, once we recover, we will never take health, and life, for granted ...
Do you have any odd or unusual red marks, rashes or red streaks on your skin ?