My brain has been on vacation this week, so I removed what I wrote to start with.
I was already skipping breakfast when I first read the article a while back, but not for any health reasons. I just wasn't hungry and I don't tend to eat when I'm not, so it was interesting to read it. I tend to go outside in the morning to do a few things and before I know it a few hours have passed since I never have a lack of things to do outside.
The first time I heard about
"roundup ready plants" I cringed. I'm glad to live on a chunk of land where I have a great balance of insects so I rarely have to fight pests. We have wild honey bees and other types of bees. Wasps take care of caterpillars, so I never have wormy broccoli and rarely have aphids, thanks to all who eat them. So I have no need for pesticides. I pull a gazillion weeds each year and smother many with newspapers or cardboard with mulch on top of them. Sometimes I'll fry them with a sheet of clear plastic on a hot day. In the spring, I use my flame weeder. So there are many ways to avoid chemicals, but people are too busy to take the time, unfortunately.
I sure got off topic! Probably because I was out there working for a few hours. Sorry. It does have a lot to do with a healthy diet at least. :) Exercise and organic food.