I am now drinking most of my urine and eat triptophan rich food to support melatonin production.
For exampe mushrooms sprouts oats bananas especially honeymelons <3
and smoked tofu
I achieved that my urin tastes like sweet milk all the time and am feeling much happier than normally and sleep very well.
Here is some info from a website about
Urin therapy.
She was amazed by what she found. There were not just hundreds but rather thousands of published articles. There are probably more articles published about
urea, the main ingredient of urine, than about
any other organic substance. Mrs Christy devoted a large part of her book to explaining and summarising this scientific and medical evidence and also provided detailed references of published papers.
In addition, she lists many testimonials of individuals as to the effectiveness of urine therapy in overcoming AIDS, Candida, Cancer, Colitis, Depression, Diabetes, Immune deficiency, Multiple Sclerosis and other diseases.
Scientific Evidence
The most amazing aspect of urine therapy is its effectiveness in such a wide range of different diseases.
There are several reasons for this. For one, urine contains antibodies and immune stimulating factors against all viruses, harmful bacteria or fungi that we may harbour in our body. The researchers stated that even minute amounts of antibodies, sometimes so low that they cannot be detected with conventional methods, are effective in preventing and treating diseases.
There are reports investigating and describing the curative effects of urine therapy on a wide range of infectious, fungal and viral infections, such as hepatitis, poliomyelitis and AIDS. Urine is especially effective against allergies, autoimmune diseases and other disorders of the immune system.
Other Beneficial Ingredients
Another important reason for the effectiveness of urine is its content of countless hormones, enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals and other valuable biochemical. Some companies make a fortune by extracting some of these substances from collected urine on a large scale. The fact is that urine is not a waste product full of harmful substances as is commonly believed, but instead a treasure-trove of just the right bio-chemicals that we need for our condition.
The main function of the kidneys is to regulate the concentration of all these countless bio-chemicals in our blood. Any unwanted surplus is as harmful as any deficiency. However, any hormone or enzyme removed as surplus at one time may be in short supply a few hours later.
Furthermore, with advancing age, our hormone and enzyme production declines to sub-optimal levels while the kidneys become less and less efficient in retaining needed ingredients.
Therefore, it greatly helps, especially with chronic degenerative diseases and advancing age to recycle these valuable hormones and enzymes.
Urine Rejuvenates
Urine ingestion is frequently praised as possibly the best rejuvenation therapy known to us. It certainly rejuvenates the hair and the skin. The youthful appearance of many Buddhist monks is ascribed to their routine urine ingestion.
It seems that historically all cultures have used urine for medicinal purposes. It is praised in ancient Egyptian papyri, was used in ancient Rome, in China, India, America as well as European countries. The Journal of the American Medical Association states that in 'primitive medicine' there is scarcely a disease that has not been treated with the external or internal use of urine.
A 5000-year old Sanskrit text describes in a religious context in 107 verses the virtues of urine. In one verse Lord Shiva, the great destroyer and re-generator, says that he who drinks urine sweetened with honey is cleared of any ailment within 6 months. He attains brilliant brainpower and his voice becomes melodious.
One well-known urine ingredient is melatonin, the hormone of the pineal gland. It regulates our body rhythms linked to the dark-light cycle. It is produced in the night and mostly expelled with the morning urine. However it is now highly valued as protecting us from cancer and ageing. Melatonin sales in California are said to top aspirin sales. But why pay much money for just one beneficial ingredient when there are thousands for free?
Problems may arise from ingesting large amounts of urine if one takes medicinal or recreational drugs as these drugs may be recycled and cause an overdose. The same may happen if one ingests other toxic substances. However, harmful substances are not necessarily reabsorbed and may just cause diarrhoea instead. A 5000-year old Sanskrit text describes in a religious context in 107 verses the virtues of urine. In one verse Lord Shiva, the great destroyer and re-generator, says that he who drinks urine sweetened with honey is cleared of any ailment within 6 months. He attains brilliant brainpower and his voice becomes melodious.
One well-known urine ingredient is melatonin, the hormone of the pineal gland. It regulates our body rhythms linked to the dark-light cycle. It is produced in the night and mostly expelled with the morning urine. However it is now highly valued as protecting us from cancer and ageing. Melatonin sales in California are said to top aspirin sales. But why pay much money for just one beneficial ingredient when there are thousands for free?
Problems may arise from ingesting large amounts of urine if one takes medicinal or recreational drugs as these drugs may be recycled and cause an overdose. The same may happen if one ingests other toxic substances. However, harmful substances are not necessarily reabsorbed and may just cause diarrhoea instead.
That's what I did, and now, four years later, I'm a different person. I'm more in tune with my body's needs and functions, and no longer anemic or hypoglycemic. I rarely get colds, haven't had the flu in years, and the yeast infection that had long been plaguing me is gone. UT has even heightened my connection to my daily yoga practice. I now feel as healthy and strong as my headstand.
Post Edited (Discopuma) : 9/13/2014 5:52:44 AM (GMT-6)