Girlie said...
Trav - when the ENT scoped you, did he do a swallow test, as well?
If my throat was actually swollen, wouldn't it show up with the swallow test?
Were your T3 and T4 numbers good, or did he just test your TSH?
I don't think I'd be hypothyroid, though, because I don't have hypo symptoms. (Never gained weight, not extremely tired,) But, I guess I could be hyper.
Are you treating your Addison's naturally?
I will ask the LLND that I see in a few weeks about my thyroid/adrenals and see what he says...he should have knowledge about it.
He didn't even bother to do blood tests or anything else first, he went off of one blood test that had been done 2 weeks previous, which was fine, as that doc at least ordered TSH and T3 - but nothing else. I was in 'normal' ranges for both.
The new doc that I see now did extensive lab work though -but goofy me - I have yet to get any copies!!! AAAAACK!!! I have another appt coming up in a little over a week and my main thing is to get those copies! I want to know what's going on.
So I don't know if the swallow tests would show a swollen thyroid or not. Mine was swollen on the back side only - according to my new doc that's rare - and a ultrasound scan didn't pick it up.
Yes, I'm treating the Addison's naturally with Natural Process brand "Adrenal". My new doc only uses natural meds for treating these things except for extreme cases she said. Just glad I'm no longer in that category!!!