Posted 8/14/2014 4:29 AM (GMT 0)
I'd say wait until you are feeling better... How are you doing by the way? Any improvement? In my case I was in a kind of rush to get treatment and I thought maybe I can prevent it from going chronic! But lol here I am now another chronic Lymie.
I plan on treating bartonella first now. Did you have any coinfections?
When I introduced tinidazole... I was an absolute psychiatric mess after the first week I pulsed it. I did eventually get better though.
You know... For some reason I'm not entirely convinced that GSE is an effective cyst buster. I feel like I'm taking a placebo pill when it comes to it. I suppose it's because I am comparing it to tinidazole which is the premium cyst buster for Lyme.
A combo of a tetracycline(tetra, doxy, or mino) and tinidazole is probably the #1 combination that we know of.
But I suggest maybe waiting with the tinidazole until the end of treatment and your co infections are gone? I plan on using it again after I get rid of bartonella. Or... You could treat the Lyme, then hit our co-infections and then you can finish off the Lyme lol.
The harsh part of tinidazole is we need to remember it is one of the more toxic medications as you probably already know. I'm hoping I won't ever get Lyme again so I have to take more tinidazole...
Also as far as metronidazole is concerned. For Lyme tinidazole is the better drug by far. I asked my LLMD and he said "hands down without a doubt tinidazole is better". I also asked doxy or mino, he said " mino is better as it penetrates the brain and nerves much better". I don't see the point of taking metronidazole over tinidazole... Tinidazole is better tolerated, possibly less carcinogenic... (But they both have reactive nitro groups). And tinidazole has the added benefit of breaking part biofilms too. It also penetrates into the brain and gets intracellular Lyme. So if you have Lyme cysts inside cells it will crack those open too. When you use this with a tetracycline or macrolide it kills them.
I think tinidazole plays a key role in lots of people actually achieving remission/cure. I read lots of success stories with it.