Posted 8/17/2014 2:45 PM (GMT 0)
I need help finding an LLMD doctor in north jersey. I live in wayne. Desperately in need of a doctor who will treat and am willing to pay for igenex testing.
- Negative on ONLY Elisa 3 separate times. Docs say they cannot run a western blot and that I will pay out of pocket for that. So i want to skip ahead and just get the testing done through igenex if im to pay out of pocket at all.
- Bit several times in childhood and looking back on it i know ive had lyme for over 10 years. I have been diagnosed bipolar and have had a lot of mental distress and at times thought id lost my mind.
- Was bit at 7 years old, 12 years old and at 20 years old.
- Arthritis started 2 years after the third bite although i had alot of other symptoms that i didnt relate to lyme including stomach pain, goiter, fevers, and chest pain.
i have always had psychiatric symptoms since I was 7 my parents tell me.
Most recently my symptoms have been, joint pain (by this i mean it feels like somethings crawling inside my bones) mainly in the hands, wrist, elbows, neck and lower spine, sometimes in the knees.
Ive had blood in my urine for over 2 years without a cause. Doc thought i had bladder stones or kidney stones but instead when i did cat scan of abdomen i had inflamed liver, inflamed lungs and inflamed kidneys. Doctors ran blood tests to check for function of those organs and everything came back normal so i was dismissed.
I believe all of my symptoms are related to lyme. Most recently I have been experiencing allergic reactions to foods. Sometimes my throat feels like its closing and i cant breathe. Most of all i feel like i lost my intelligence and ability to think of words like i used to.
I NEED HELP. PLEASE! I need a referral for a llmd in north jersey. I prefer a physician who has a holistic AND antibiotic approach
I am extremely grateful for anyone reading this and hope someone will be able to refer me.