Hi Girlie, you should probably ask for a nystatin prescript
ion next time you have a consult with Dr. Chan. Trust me you will need it. If your yeast gets out of hand from long term antibiotics the yeast grows these microrizaes (i think that is what they are called if i remember correctly) and they literally poke holes right through your digestive tract. It's like they grow these roots that cause damage. Your digestive tract could become ruined because of that. You end up with leaky gut syndrome where food from your digestive tract literally gets into your blood stream, like little chunks of food, and then your immune system could react to it creating all kinds of food allergies and issues.
Best to take nystatin and prevent that from happening! Some LLDs actually treat the yeast BEFORE even starting antibiotics!
Good thing is that it's a pretty gentle medication and easily tolerated.
Dr. MR actually puts yeast a step before treating the lyme infection in his treatment recipe. He immediately got me a prescription for nystatin right on my first visit.
Amoxicillin will cause a massive die off of your intestinal microbiome. Like the dosing for lyme is at least 3000 mg daily! Really if you think about that, it is quite a bit.