Hi everyone...I found a tick embedded in my leg back in 2002. I disregarded it since I only found a tick & no bullseye-if only I knew then what I know now. It's been quite an almost 12 years & my story is long...I don't feel well enough right now to write it all, but I'd love to share it when I'm feeling up to it. I have tested negative for lyme through Quest Diagnostics multiple times, one time showing reactive to IgM band 41 which I know doesn't mean much, at least by itself. about
a month ago I saw an LLMD who told me that my symptoms were highly suggestive of lyme & that he most likely would end up treating me even if my Igenex came back not showing anything. That made me feel great relief, but I so desperately wanted to see a positive result for validation. Mainstream doctors have been cruel, either almost laughing at me or becoming irate & raising their voice to me when I mentioned lyme. They don't believe you can actually have lyme if your tests come up negative through standard labs. My symptoms are short term memory loss, eye/muscle/finger/lip twitching, shooting/ stabbing pains, carpal tunnel, palpitations (esp after eating something high carb or sugary),migrating joint & muscle pain, bursitis of left shoulder & right hip, vertigo, migraines, shortness of breath, ringing in ear(s), difficulty with word retrieval, jumbling words, low grade fevers, cold intolerance, fumbling objects, dry eyes,crawling sensations, feeling of something wet on my skin & it's not, itching/burning but from the inside, balance problems, foot pain (especially when i wake up),pain in ribcage, nausea w/ and without dizziness, scalp rash, anxiety, head pressure, mild sore throats, swollen lymph nodes, brain fog, eye floaters, creaky joints, back & neck pain, pains in spine, & unfortunately more. Many of my symptoms come & go. Many also vary in intensity. Due to a positive ANA my PCP sent me to a rheumatologist-he diagnosed me with Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease since I had a positive ANA but all other tests came back negative for other rheumatic diseases. I have Hashimoto's-endo says my thyroid is fine & not the cause of any of my symptoms. I also have benign nodules. Vitamin deficiencies-rbc magnesium, vit D3, ferratin, vit C. I've also had a very low WBC count for years and neutr
openia. I'd like to know your thoughts on my test result as I wait another week to see my LLMD. Thanks :)
Igenex IgM result NEGATIVE
23-25 IND
31 IND
39 IND
41 ++
Igenex IgG result NEGATIVE
41 IND
Post Edited (krissym) : 8/31/2014 12:27:12 PM (GMT-6)