Many mold sensitivity, yeast/fungal overgrowth, and lyme & co. symptoms overlap. Mold treatment can be a little tricky—but there are a few posters here who have some good experience and would likely offer some good info if you post specifically about
it. Also—I have found this website to be a great resource:
www.survivingmold.comYour immune system is being pulled in a couple different directions. In order to heal from the lyme, it needs to be a little stronger. My LLMD started me off with tackling my very high viral load and chronic sinusitis and bronchitis that was due to yeast/fungus/mold so she also had me on a local (gut) and systemic anti-fungals. It took 3-4 months to effect those issues with meds and I also implemented a pretty strict diet to support the treatment. Only then did we start herbal treatment for lyme, babesia and bartonella.
So, you should familiarize yourself with lyme symptoms and also symptoms of other common co-infections to help your LLMD determine if you should also be tested for them.
Good luck and post back to let us know how it's all going for you!