I know that many Lyme patients have had good results with LDN- Low dose Naltrexone :
www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/ Uhmm, uhmmmm, sorry, it's getting late (for my brain)
- once I get a little tired, my brain takes a nap! Ugh - darned Lyme brain!!
You can start a new post with the title something like "What do you use for immune boosting?" and you will likely get a bunch of replies- and/or you can use the search function on here - it's pretty good! Just be sure that you use the term Lyme in front of your other terms to keep your results from mainly the Lyme forum.
Example (in case I'm not making much sense! LOL!):
Lyme, immune boost
I'm so sorry my brain has already had a full day- but I wanted to answer your question!
Anti-infective treatments would be any of the Lyme treatments. I lean towards the natural side of things, so my mind goes to Buhner's protocol :
Cowden's Condensed protocol:
www.lyme-disease-research-database.com/lyme_disease_blog_files/condensed-cowden-protocol.html There are others, but these are the most popular & the most in use here.
Or a combination of herbs and antibiotics - which many here use.
Like has been said, make sure that your diet is very good, that you aren't dealing with mold or other conditions that should be treated first, and that you are detoxing plenty. There is so much to the equation on how to heal, it's hard to 'lay it out' for someone - these are just general things to follow.