Five weeks into treatment with a slow downward progression (which I know can happen), but more importantly, I haven't felt what I think is a "herx" on three meds. Due to my skepticism after FOUR fairly close negative tests for Lyme through other labs and ONE positive through IGENEX, I figured I would call IGENEX. I simply asked them what known viruses will cross react with their bands since their sheet my results are on say "some viral antibodies may cross react with band 31, 41, and 83-93". These are three out of my four positive bands. I was told there was no list they could provide. Huh, they have to have something?? Does anyone have any confirmed documents to point out to me that can help me rule out other viruses that I may or may not have been checked for?
Another funny story (although not surprising) is I called the county health department today just to tell them that I have a test showing cdc and lab criteria positive for Lyme in our area. The nurse tells me that they don't have ANY confirmed Lyme cases in this county and they are on the west side of the state. I did tell her that I did have symptoms and 2 out of the three IGM bands for the CDC positive. She said that IGENEX isn't on their list of labs they can count. She stated that she wasn't sure why yet and would check on that, but claims she has had many calls from patients claiming positive through IGENEX. I have two acquaintances who had confirmed IGENEX positive labs for Lyme through my same ILADS LLMD. It goes to show that something is really a miss in the different labs, testing, and reporting or we should all play the lotto since IGENEX is lucky for us....