I'd like to take this time to thank all of our members for helping out, posting about
their progress and for being who you are!! We are so much more than just another Lyme forum - we are a community where people come because they want to feel cared about
and get some support!!!
The Mods here are really a joy to work with! They are amazing in their own areas of knowledge and will go out of their way to help others. Behind the scenes, we Mods put in a great deal of time sometimes, and I really appreciate those on this forum that reach out to others even though they don't have a "Moderator status" - We couldn't do it without you!!! We are an
open-minded, forward thinking group of people!!!
And thank you, Elmesanoya, for mentioning me.
While I appreciate it when it's acknowledged how much effort I and the other Mods put in here, I'm a little uncomfortable accepting any credit for the way this forum operates, as it's up to all of us to make this forum what it is - a great place to be!!
But I am really happy if I can be of help to anyone! So thank you!!