Garden, That looks like a really good website.
Razz., Aye, There's the rub. So far though, none of my LLMDs has addressed methylation, so, I'm not sure how to do that. Oh, one LLMD told me to take l-methylfolate, but that's it.
Louise, I had no clue you could do that stuff at the computer!
Rowing, I wish we had people like that in the U.S.
I unhooked my wireless phone, but my computer and cell phone are wireless, and I can't afford a new computer right now. I might have to ditch the cell phone. I don't think I have a smart meter. I hope not. I'm pretty sure, however, that there is faulty wiring somewhere in my house, bc I have electrical problems.
What are Stetzer filters? Well, I can look them up online I guess, but I'm spending too much time online!
Thanks for the websites!
Oh, what about
tooth fillings? What is the best way to have those removed? (I figure one every six months or so).
Thx. all!!