I had a small cold last week, used tons of supplements, and got over it fairly quickly. It started with the snuffles, a sore throat, fatigue, and a runny nose for several days.
Well, this week, I had two migraines in a row, then last night, I got the snuffles/sniffles again, unable to breathe through nose. Now today, I have bad asthma, and/or air hunger. I don't really know the difference between the two, except that my inhalers do help some.
I'm obediently doing the elderberry syrup, colostrum, and homeopathics.
I'm also coughing up, well, I won't tell you what.
Sometimes, I feel like an old lady who's showing people all her scars on this forum. You know how some people like to stand there and give you a litany of all the illnesses they've had or are having?
I've had this, and this, and this, that, and the other!