Lymepickle, Please reconsider against using the salt + C protocol. Too much salt too quickly WILL inflame the brain and you will at best go into a coma and at worst die.
You can also go into cardiac arrest if the blood gets saturated beyond its carrying capacity with salt. If you think your worse herx was bad, imagine that much salt being processed by your organs all at once and how inflamed they will get from the salt. As soon as the critters sense the salt in the blood, they will bury themselves deep into tissue as they do with antibiotics and all you are going to do is harm yourself.
I understand 100% how you feel. I too have been on antibiotics for too long (15+ months) and also feel that antibiotics are destroying my body while not eliminating the infection. I also understand that this war is not going to be won in a few months and that slow and steady wins the race.
Please be careful and don't let your anger towards the infection make you do things out of desperation.
Why don't you wait and see if the Rife machine works for you? Maybe that is all you need to do to get better