Hi CandyS—
Have you read the "new to lyme" thread at the top of the page—has great info and resources.
I am treating with abx, probiotics and antifungals. I did start w/ antifungals first since I had an extreme problem and we were waiting for lyme tests. But in retrospect, I think it was beneficial to get the yeast under control a little better before pumping more yeast beasts into my system! And two months after I started the antifungals and 6 months before starting abx, I treated with herbs for awhile—still taking the herbs with abx. I think this also helped me slowly detox and work up a more intense program slowly—so as not to overwhelm the system. Once I started abx my system was ready for it.
Which antifungals are you taking? I have a systemic yeast and a local (GI) yeast problem so I am on two different antifungals. The GI anti fungal (nystatin powder) poses no issues—it's not absorbed through your intestines.
But the systemic anti fungal is pretty hard on your liver (diflucan, ketocanazole, etc) so you need to get your liver enzymes checked frequently and also need to support them so that they can detox well—especially during your lyme treatment. So that was another reason I'm glad my LLMD got the anti fungal treatment started first, liver enzymes under control before starting abx.
And agree with Revive—a two-hr window is safe. Think of the abx/probiotics as a cycle. The abx are going to kill all the bacteria in your gut—good and bad. With the good bacteria wiped out, there is nothing to keep the opportunistic yeast under control and it can start growing at lightning speed—especially if fed by sugars (so you also need to be on a no sugar, no simple carb diet to help support the antifungals or they will not work).
Here is an excellent discussion about
probiotics/antifungals if you're interested: