What works for one, doesn't always jive or work for someone else. When I try the mms...will keep you guys posted :) (just kidding traveler) I guess I can buy and have my chiropractor test me for it via kineosology/ART (might make it less risky).
Good point traveler....Hell on earth, would you please explain what you meant by you stopped, cuz didn't know these were side effects? I want to get a better understanding.
....Really, as you said, traveler, I guess I need to research more before taking chances with myself, but from my previous experiances, it seems like anything that really helps for certain diseases that isn't a drug (i.e - cancer, Dr. bruzinksy, laetrile, or frequencies for pysch., etc.) the FDA seems to stick their nose in, and try to stop it. I think blindly believing that what the government says is safe or unsafe, is niave. One also has to dig deep and understand what really goes on with lobbyist, political relationships, and the effect that this has on the humans who create the laws. (They have triats such as greed, desire for power, money - and are in the position to create laws and instill fear in the population for their benefit. Ya, they do good stuff too, but personally, I don't see mms as so clear cut being dangerous cuz the FDA said so. Part of what actually intrigues me with mms, is that fact that the FDA put out such warnings! Either it can be dangerous...or really good for lyme (if the latter, that means a decrease in antibiocs sales, alzheimers meds, pysch meds, etc) We are a ton of money for pharmaceuticals...especially if we are kept sick. Trust me, there are political relationships with the government, pharmaceuticals, American Medical Association, and others.
Also, I assume Hell on Earth is an individual suffering from lyme...and tried it to see if it would help him, because this is a lyme support forum....and he is saying he it helped him. If you got paid to say your experience, please speak up. Secondly, the FDA is saying this is like bleach stay away, stay away....Yet the life threatening side effects they can come up with is....drum roll....nuassea, vomitting, and dehydration!!!! Yes, dehydration can be life threatening, but can also be prevented, an intervened with quite easily.
"High oral doses of this bleach, such as those recommended in the labeling, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration" (FDA, 2014 - Safety) Traveler - your link. Something about
this makes me scratch my head.
You r right traveler, perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to experiment, and I hope I didn't come across too hard. Ur points, and findings are legit, and should be considered. So I will keep digging....and ask....anyone out there...did ya have good experiances....bad ones? I wanna hear it all.
Post Edited (dying2getwell) : 12/1/2014 4:54:30 PM (GMT-7)