I've posted about
this before but seems we have a new group of posters since then… wanted to see if anyone else is suffering these GI episodes.
Last year, July/Aug time frame (while I was taking course after course of abx & steroids for chronic sinusitis and had not yet been suspicious of—or dx w/ lyme & co.)…
I started having these horrible episodes every couple weeks. Then it developed into a pretty reliable 4-5 week cycle of episodes. A lot of very lyme, bart and babs sx exploded at that time—likely due to the abx and immune system being weakened by the steroids.
Characteristics of episodes:
- almost always begin in the middle of the night between midnight and 2am
- light cramping in upper intestine at first then evolves into insanely painful cramping from my stomach and upper intestines all around my torso and very painful kidney area… I mean—pass out painful.
- accompanied by severe bloating, sweating, dizzy—weak legs and feel faint, color drained from face, severe chills and shaking, despondent, heavy breathing
- can't sit, can't lie down, can't prop myself up over toilet
- this goes on for hours and hours, getting worse and worse until I eventually start feeling nausea.
- After a couple of hours of trying desperately to vomit, I projectile vomit everything I ate that day—as if nothing ever started to digest.
Once I vomit, the cramping stops and I basically pass out. The following day when I wake up I'm fine, feel like I got run over by an 18-wheeler but no more cramping.
LLMD and I decided this was likely bell's palsy of the gut due to my friend Bartonella:
www.thehumansideoflyme.net/viewarticle.php?aid=62I have not been able to tie these episodes to any foods or medication or supplements or any outside influence (been studying this for over a year) but they stopped in April… started up again let month.
If anyone else has these sx please let me know… I might ask my LLMD if we can start treating Bart next rather than Babesia. Or is that a death wish? I cannot imagine what a herx would be like with sx this bad.