Posted 12/17/2014 2:01 AM (GMT 0)
I have been reading the perry fields plan I got today about healing lyme. It took me a while to make sense of it but I am starting to understand it. As part of the foundation of her healing approach, she recommends all these vitamins/minerals/supplemetns to help build up the body. I have not heard of most of these- but am starting to research it.
This is different than the herbal approach. She says her plan is the foundation part, and then the antimicrobials ( herbs) can be used on top of that, but that is not what she focuses on. SHe focuses on these specific nutrients going to the body to get it really strong so it can successfully beat the lyme. It is an interesting idea. She doesn't recommend the abx.
So here is a copy and paste of the mineral vitamin part of her protocol. The rest is diet exercise and things like that you have heard before.
HEre is the new part below-- but also., she has a forum where you can go on and ask her your questions and I think once a week she answered. So I just asked about which of these are essential, and given the herbs I am on, which are already bein addressed byt he herbs? All the things she mentions are new to me,. so I am wondering what you guys think of these things? I will research each of these but it is an interesting approach. I think I will add some of these things along with my herbs.
•Nutrient balancing is the FIRST STEP because everyone who is sick is depleted in one or more (usually multiple) nutrients!
•Get your micronutrient levels tested. Remember that body chemistry changes daily. BALANCE IS CRITICAL TO RECOVERY.
•IGW Total Blend makes it real easy to get almost every mineral and vitamin you need. This blend is easy to take and the minerals are in nano form (broken down into angstrom size particles using acid). I helped create this product! You can read about that here.
•Take with quality Aloe Juice to increase assimilation! AloeQuench is my top pick. It’s not a normal aloe juice concentrate you find at the health food store, but a real treatment all in itself!
•Replete Essential Electrolytes- A formula designed to balance the body’s electrolytes quickly and efficiently!
Other Important BASIC Nutrients:
•Krill Oil (2,000mg a day) It has your Omega 3-6-9 fats and more!
•Aloe Mend (2-3 liquid capsules a day) Aloe oil is rich in fatty acids! Great for repairing the gut, detoxifying the respiratory system and other organs.
•AloeQuench (1-2 tablespoons a day) – good high quality aloe juice is polysaccharide rich and contains loads of natural enzymes.
•Metabolic Enzymes (also called Fermented Plant Enzymes, take 3-5 tablespoons a day with meals or snacks)
•Tsi-Ahga/Beta Glucan – (2 Beta Glucan-Immunostimulant a day) for stimulating growth of “killer cell
•Alpha-lipoic acid (200mg a day) high power antioxidant, great for the liver
•NAC (500mg a day, twice a day) for the liver
•L-glutamine/MSM/Aloe ‘Cocktail’- (mix 500mg to 1,500mg of Glutamine powder, 500mg to 3 grams of MSM powder with 1 tablespoon of aloe juice in 8 oz of water) for the GUT
•Borage Seed Oil, Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) and Phosphatidylcholine can be added to your gut health regiment (as needed).
•Selenium (100 micrograms a day) -FOR EVERYTHING
•Nascent Iodine ( Nascent with Iodoral together is very effective) – there is 12.5mg per tablet in Iodoral. If you have a severe iodine deficiency (or problems with a hypothyroid) you may need to take more than the recommended daily dosage of 150 micrograms. Nascent Iodine has less mg of iodine, but is said to be effortlessly absorbed by the body, so much less is needed. I love this stuff.
•Probiotics (via enema, once a week) – 16 strains needed, 25-50 billion microorganisms per enema. Look for Homeostatic Micro Organisms