Hi DolphZF...I believe what you are experiencing is called "Depersonalization/Derealization" which some people with lyme & co's do experience as a symptom.
Check this out to see if you can relate: (this is actually a great lyme site overall!)
www.tiredoflyme.com/depersonalization-and-derealization-from-lyme-disease-and-its-coinfections.html#.VMhzwWjF948It also probably has to do with depression (which is what I have experienced more so with lyme/co's). I would feel a lack of zest for living life itself and not enjoy the things that *I know* I once enjoyed. I am not a depressed person but being so ill and dealing with all this is too much for the strongest of minds. I remember times where I just felt like a zombie floating on through life and the days blurring together. The stupid lyme & co's really mess with your head man :-/ Probably the toxic body from all the die-off causes this too in combination with it all and messing with one's head.
I can say it does get better with treatment. Try to stay as positive as possible and not to sound cheesy, but HOPE is a wonderful thing! Dont give up on yourself and keep trying to imagine the healthy you living life again in the future and trust that it will happen.