The detox baths will bring out more symptoms when she's overloaded with toxins and her body can't remove them itself without help - and that sounds like what may be going on.
What about
activated charcoal - it's really pretty safe and I checked several sites and they all say the same as the Mayo about
using activated charcoal in children for more than one dose:
"Children up to 13 years of age—At first, the dose is 10 to 25 grams. Then the dose is based on body weight. It is usually 1 to 2 grams per kg (0.45 to 0.91 gram per pound) of body weight given every two to four hours." Whether you use capsules or
open them and mix them with water and have her drink it that way, be sure that she drinks
plenty of water to avoid constipation.
And what about
dry skin brushing (of course you would likely have to help) and oil pulling as well? Are those things that you can get her to do? What if you did them with her?
I think it's great that you get the younger kids to drink it however you can!!
Obviously, I'm not a Pediatrician, so these are just some thoughts I had.