So as some of you know, I've taken on the task of trying to get Lyme disease the recognition it deserves in my state (Arkansas), as we don't have any laws telling doctors that they have to explain that Lyme tests are not accurate, nor do we have any - not even one - LLMD in the state. They don't dare as they will be brought up on charges for their use of high dose abx.
So I started off by contacting the Federal level elected officials for my state, thinking that if I got their support (& they are more likely since they have exposure to those in states with the things I mentioned above), I could then go to the state level officials and "work" on them.
I just got a phone call from one of their offices. I broke into my "speech" on the devastation and destruction Lyme alone can cause, and how it's affecting our children as well, and oh so much more. I was prepared to hear the polite excuses, but instead, I was told to contact their health care staffer for an appropriate response to give to the state level elected officials!!!!!!
Happy dance time!!!
I got my foot in the door - their in trouble now!!!
When my hubby heard my little 'whoop' after getting off the phone and I explained what that was about
, he gave me two thumbs up and a hearty congratulations too!! :socool: