Hi. I am a mom to a sweet nine yr old boy who can now ride a bike, speak, walk - but we have toe walking and balance issues at times, and is affectionate and loving with his family. He went undiagnosed and unaided for a LONG time. We live in Puerto Vallarta Mexico now, to reduce the costs of living and to afford to treat his lyme and coinfections. Lat year he went to the ER twice with Myco pneumonia. ANY advice and ideas are welcome. So is prayer. I have four children - all were hit with PANDAS/PANS. The girls recovered, and it was a dr at NIH who helped me figure out that my severely autistic son was really a very sick son....after abx and a tonsillectomy for pandas, he stopped being severely autistic, and we no longer had Sydenhams Chorea, but we still have lyme and coinfections....what a beast. He has suffered a long time, and I have only copies of Jemsek's protocols for lyme and coinfections to steer my choices at this time. I have a very compassionate dr in Mexico who wants to help, and is willing to do all he can...he saved Matt's life and is basically learning all he can about
lyme. so I am putting it out there... help for Matt, please...anyone? We can travel to Texas or CA, esp S CA by car if that would get us to the expert help that he needs. Diane I will also keep checking here....thanks.
Post Edited By Moderator (achievinggrace) : 3/23/2015 10:50:23 AM (GMT-6)