RunnerGirl82 said...
I have been treating Lyme for a while with not much change.
I'm so confused bc I have not herxed yet or noticed any improvements. Does this mean I do not have Bart? I actually wanted to have it bc it could have explained my symptoms.
Am I just jumping to conclusions?? Should I be better by now or at least herxing like crazy?
Anyone have experience with this??
Sounds like your situation is very similar to mine. I tested positive for Bart via Igenex IFA back in August. Since then I have been on Biaxin and Cipro for 4 months, followed by Tinidazole and Zirtro for 3 months, and am now on Rifampin and Biaxin and taking IM Rocephin. I am also on banderol, samento, MMS, colloidal silver, cats claw, Lymogen, Borrelogen, Microgen, and did 40 treatments of HBOT......and NEVER herxed! My last Bart test (blood drawn in Feb.) is now negative.
Even though my labs reveal that I am no longer positive for Bart my symptoms are EXACTLY the same as they were when I started treatment (severe fatigue, OI, muscle pains/twitches/cramps in my legs, poor sleep).
I am seeing 2 LLMD's at the moment and they both agree that Bart may still be present even though I am testing negative now. I would def. recommend getting tested through Igenex. If you test positive, you can use your antibody levels to gauge whether or not your treatment is effective. IME the levels drop every month with the correct treatment.