Yay! I hope so too!
If you're appointment is this coming Tuesday, I would probably wait to see what the doctor wants to do. Starting and stopping antibiotics is not ideal. Your doc may want to put you on something else. If you're appointment was in 3-4 weeks, I would probably say go for it with the doxy. Obviously, it is up to you. If it were me, I would wait.
You may get some different opinions.
In the meantime, check out the "New to Lyme" thread at the top of the forum and read up. Maybe you have already checked it out since you said you read up.
Probiotics are key. My LLMD recommends something with at least 50 billion units. You can also start detoxing if you have not already done so. If you need help with ideas, feel free to ask. There are a lot of good detox threads here.
I would also recommend reading Dr. B's Guidelines if you have not already.
http://www.lymenet.org/BurrGuide200810.pdfGood luck and keep us posted!