Got my meds and ready to start, think I will wait until this weekend. My silly mind started in again, how can a top neuro be wrong and this llmd be right, it's not ALS its lyme. I know I have nothing to lose but money, but I get so scared. If my llmd is wrong i could make my days really bad when I should be enjoying them.
My cd57 and c4 are what points in the direction of lyme. My WB are just at equivicol.
I had a appt next week to see another neuro about
that bad three letter word, I decided today not to go and now have a sinking feeling.
Can that top neuro really be wrong? He says he never has been? I wish I would have went to that llmd first, I had no idea until after that first dx that lyme was really out there and caused these type of nasty symptoms. Why can't I just stay the course, believe and have hope? I want that more that ever but rationale Kim says how can one be so wrong and the other right?
I am sorry, just down tonight. I want to get well. I don't want to think of the suffering either disease will cause