Yes I will.
Also I have had a big problem with japanese knotweed. It's homemade from a plant that I have find outside.
I had big diarrhea with it, during more than two days, with strong pain in stomach (it was last week and I'm still having some pain). I don't know why. The JK was not very dry when I powdered it, I wonder if it can have an impact?
I used japanese knotweed from the same place, but I recovered it at another period (in the end of spring I think) and I didn't have problems.
So I don't know what happened. It's supposed that this one is more powerfull than the other one recovered before. But I don't want to use it anymore.
Maybe I will use the preview batch to do the chronic tonic, but I will not be able to make much of it I think. Because I don't have much left.
I may have 1 Kg of the new batch, cuted in pieces, that will be useless
Also I maybe will try another thing before, so I will maybe not try it so soon. It's hydrogen peroxide...