Thanks all!
What I don't understand on the report is: It showed the range, and i think the bottom end was something like 15, so I thought great, I'm in range. Then there was a 'blurb' beneath, and it said:
<15 = deficiency
15-50 = Probable deficiency
51-100 = Possible deficiency
>100 = Deficiency unlikely - or something like that.
Sarah - do you remember what you 'number' was?
Revive how long have you been back on your antibiotics since the break? For me, treatment wasn't helping my liver enzymes...they were up and down for the first few months of treament, and then after that were steadily climbing - still not very high, though.
And then within 4 weeks of stopping, they were back down to what they were at the beginning of treatment.
Fronton - I was pretty sure the higher enzymes was from antibiotics...and I even said to her we could hold off on all the other tests, and just check my liver enzymes in a few weeks...but she said she didn't want to wait. I'm fine with I got another ANA....which I just wanted to check anyway. We had tested my ANA at the beginning of symptoms...and I often wondered if it was too early. I still question whether there is an autoimmune disease going on....whether it was triggered by lyme...or not.
She also checked my INR (related to blood clotting) - said that was to do with the liver, too. I've had some veinous pooling in my feet...and my veins in my hands are I was glad to hear that it's in range. When I put my hands up higher than my heart, they look I read that means my blood isn't returning back to my heart properly..
Don't know why that is happening.
Thanks Lymie Mom - I know online I read that my Vit. D was in range...but I wanted to double check that with the informative people on this forum!!!
Let us know how your results are...