Since my body building days of the past, I've used weight as one of pieces of the puzzle to determine what is going on physiologically. It's a tool. Out of habit, I have weighed daily for years and I really don't care about
how much I weigh. During this time, I have gotten very good at determining what I will weigh before I get on the scale. It depends on what I've eaten, what I've done, etc. I have gotten very good at it. For some reason over a year ago, I weighed again after I got out of the shower. The weight was different. So I started weighing both before and after my shower every morning. It always fluctuated. Over time, I once again became good at determining the weight change depending on what I had eaten and done the previous day. The most fluctuation I had ever had was 0.75 lbs. Then I supplemented with copper. I gained 1.5 lbs in one day but the fluctuation was about
the same. I gained another 1.5 lbs the next day with the same change in weight. Copper put 3.0 lbs of inflammation on me in two days. I took it as a sign my immune system started up again. After a couple of weeks of copper, I had to stop supplementing because my ganglion cysts were back in full force. I hadn't had issues with them in 15 years. I guess the copper increased my immune system so that it could get at the protozoans living in my synovial lining.
After several months, I got to thinking. Knowing that lithium is almost the same size as sodium and can bind the sodium receptor, maybe it was the reason for the weight fluctuation. I started taking one 5mg lithium orotate daily. I had been back to guessing my weight change very accurately but when I took lithium, the weight fluctuation stopped. I weighed exactly the same getting into the shower as I did getting out of the shower. It was consistent. I stopped taking lithium for over a month and my weight change after the shower came back. I started lithium again and the change went away. The lithium did help my sleep, mood, attitude, and I can feel my ganglion cysts so it is doing something to help my immune system. Perhaps we can use our weight fluctuation before and after a shower to determine if we are deficient of lithium? It seems to work with me, maybe it will for others.
Post Edited (Georgia Hunter) : 7/16/2015 7:28:05 AM (GMT-6)