Posted 8/24/2015 1:00 AM (GMT 0)
Yes, the heat does two things—it helps deal w/ the lyme and any yeast/fungal overgrowth… both conditions like a colder body temp. Before I knew I was sick and WHY, I could not tolerate hot showers, saunas, the sun, or heat in general. I visited Phoenix in July twice, nearly killed me. ;)
Root canals are the root of many, many health problems. I can't believe they are still done in the 21st century… I have had to get a couple of crowns because of my grinding and broken teeth. But have avoided the root canal so far. But the tooth can go bad under a crown, and since the casing is metal, cavitations won't show up in an x-ray… So I'm hyper focused on tooth care. Glad you had yours cleaned out.
I'm not sure if you're interested but you might benefit from oil pulling and adding an antibiotic to the oil (like oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, etc.) There are a couple of other pretty popular alternatives to root canals if you do an online search. Also, I found "Cure Tooth Decay" by Ramiel Nagel quite interesting and it had great reviews. So far, so good…