Hi Gfields,
Without even reading past the first sentence, I can tell you that the first article is very incredibly biased against those with Lyme disease. The article that he references in that first sentence states as it's first sentence, "How can you tell whether a doctor has screwed up? You use other doctors as a measuring stick. That’s why our tort law defines medical malpractice as an act that “deviates from accepted norms of practice in the medical community.” "
I won't go on from there, because I could easily tear that article down, point by point - but let's suffice it to say, they didn't care to do their homework on this set of infections. Who has? ILADS. And they train their doctors so that they give effective treatments, which is why we recommend seeing an ILADS trained LLMD, and not one that has adopted that term to describe themselves.
Those people that write those types of articles are everywhere, as it's much easier to sling mud when you don't know the facts. They are the ones with their heads stuck in the ground, hiding from the reality - maybe because the reality scares the pants off of them - and it should. The incidence of these infections is growing substantially every single year. The CDC admits to 300,000 NEW cases each year. That number only represents those that have solid, fully CDC positive tests - not the hundreds (or more!!) that either aren't tested, or have chronic infections and can't get a positive test. So imagine the number more around a minimum of 500,000 or more
each year being infected or finding out they have chronic Lyme.
You said, "The scientific reporting on lyme disease seems questionable to me. Also, the scientific organizations who performed the testing seem to have ulterior motives, and therefore are coming up with skewed results. Why don't we just fund our own study with a team of unbiased scientists chosen and reviewed by a panel who ensure that the team is unbiased. We'd also need to make sure that the abx used are standard drugs used for treatment. Maybe get someone like Dr. Horowitz to oversee the study."
We already have a group like that. They are called the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) and great doctors like Dr. Horowitz are a part of that group.
Why don't you check out these links to see if it doesn't help clear up the confusion: