finisului17 said...
mpost, hello!
Can we communicate with each other?
thank you!
Sorry i had a few busy days and haven't been checking the forum. When you need to send a private message directly to someone on the forum, by email, you can click the envelope below their nickname. Since you seem to also have the email enabled, i will send you a private email with more info about
my treatment.
finisului17 said...
The general feeling of being sick was completely gone, good stamina, etc., but cd57 was 43.
thank you!
In my opinion you should not have stopped all treatment with a CD57 so low. Some people do fine with a low CD57 but the majority will relapse. At the very least you should continue taking some herbs to stimulate your immune system for several more months, or i should dare say ... indefinitely ? Buhner recommends that even after all symptoms are gone for several months, at the very least you should continue taking a low dose (3x500mg/day) of cat's claw bark and (3x500mg/day) Japanese Knotweed bark.
People relapse because there is no way to completely remove the spirochete, once it has spread to parts of your body with fewer blood vessels, like joints, or places where the immune system cannot act with full power (brain, eye). The bacteria also has a very long life cycle, so you can be well for weeks while the bacteria is in an inactive form, that are immune to antibiotics, then it will reactivate and if you dont take any antibacterial/herbs when that happens, you will relapse. said...
Maybe my whole HTPA axis crashed
Well one thing with HTPA that it really helped me was Ashwagandha, it helps the adrenals, lowers cortisol spikes, Buhner recommends taking one before bedtime to prevent the cortisol spike in the middle of the night that gets us wake up at 2-3am. I used to wake up at that hour all the time and was not able to fall back to sleep.
This effect is well documented said...
I am very scared of the possibility that I can never get back to almost normal-functional again, and can not be a proper mom, wife, doctor like I used to be.I am crying my heart out.
Well unless you have heart damage, i'd say most of the other symptoms (at least for me and for many others on these forums) are fully reversible. The collagen in your gut and especially joints will take years to recover.
finisului17 said...
Any input would be nice, as you folks have a lot of experience with these things.
Thank you for reading this.
Coinfections:bartonela, chlamydia pn., EBV , coxackie and lot of the herpes viruses.
Of course you have all these coinfections, there is nobody on this forum that has only Borrelia. I have all the coinfections you listed above plus a few more, the German clinic that is treating me has found at least 8 life forms that have reproduced out of control. All the coinfections you listed are usually not a problem, maybe with the exception of Bartonella. But almost everybody on the planet has EBV, Coxackie (childhood virus), CMV (90% of the planet gets infected in first week of life), etc... even Chlamydia. They all come, infect you when you are very young, your immune system wins the battle, but some folks remain inside the cells for the rest of your life, which is not a problem because the immune system is aware of their presence and keeps their numbers very low. That is if you don't have Borrelia, which is immuno-supressive and somehow manages to lower the immune response your body can mount, not only against Borrelia but against a wide number of pathogens.
There is a recent study published on the prestigious PLOS journal, showing mice sick with Borrelia no longer develop immunity to influenza after they are given a vaccine. Have a read here is the connection between influenza virus and Borrelia ? None, except for your immune system. It becomes suppressed by Borellia then it no longer responds properly. Even Candida, which is a normal inhabitant of the human flora, becomes a huge problem for most of us. Just like with the AIDS patients, but not as brutal.
So if you manage to get your Borrelia numbers down, your immune system will kick back in and all these coinfections will start to lose ground.
finisului17 said...
Continued with another 2 schemes of antibiotics that got me even worse-had symptoms like an Alzheimer patient.
The problem with some LLMDs is they do not follow the treatment closely with tests to see what's going on. First of all there are lots of things to check before and/or during treatment, like markers for possible autoimmune illnesses, liver, kidneys. Vitamin B6 in large amounts can be very toxic to the nerves and will give you a similar clinical picture with neuro-lyme, so good LLMDs check for these.
Also, bombing with ABX without detoxing can be very dangerous. Detoxing means a bit more than just drinking lemon water, can mean taking activated charcoal, chlorella, chelated magnesium and in some very bad cases, Gluthathione shots...
finisului17 said...
Started a condensed Cowden protocoll on wich I feel slightly better, not the constant feeling of dying and now have an appointment in a clinic in Germany .
These herbs do work, but it takes months. Sorry but i've seen significant progress only after 4+ months of taking all the herbs in the protocol diligently. I too had to wait for 8 months to get to Germany, they are grossly overbooked. I'd say that it's a good idea to take the Cowden protocol until you get to Germany, but in the mean time i also think it's important you do regular blood work (liver, electrolytes, etc...), urine, an abdominal ultrasound. The ultrasound is important as Bartonella can produce multiple granulomatous lesions in liver and spleen, which can rupture, and that is a very serious condition, but these complications are rare and seen only with AIDS people. Nevertheless the Germans ask you to check it. you tell the doctor you have Bartonella during the ultrasound, they usually know what to look for.
The Germans will ask you to do all these tests before you start the clinical picture is similar with many other diseases. I will send you by email some of my blood work before going there to see what markers are they usually checking.
Take care and talk more by email
Post Edited (mpost) : 12/30/2015 10:00:55 AM (GMT-7)